Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Don't for forget to check out The Greystone Path !!!! My Free Wicca classes start soon and I am excited. I just wrote the teacher and she is still registering students. Click the link and look over the great curriculum! I do believe that even practicing Wiccans would still learn new things. I pray I never get to the point that I stop learning. And, I don't think that would ever be possible. The Great Lord and Lady have many things to teach each of us. 

Links I have found and links that others have asked me to post Enjoy!

David James Psychic Wisdom

Monday, February 10, 2014

I will put your blog/website on my page.

My fellow Pagans! I am not just starting my blog here, I have been writing romance novels for some time and I know how hard it is to "Reach" people. IF you want me to put your blog or website address on my "LINKS" page, just put your site in the comment section below. Happy Computing! Skye Wynd


Is it me or did any of you have problems keeping all the websites, books, quotes and other items of interest organized? I have read countless books on the subject of Witchcraft, on various types of Witchcraft and most of those books contained so much info that I kept a spiral notebook to jot down what I didn't want to forget. I did the same with websites. There are so many knowledgeable Witches/Wiccan (Whatever you have declared yourself and path to be) I don't want to miss anything of great importance......the problem is it all seems important! So now, I have several spirals full of info and website lists. My worst fear is my computer crashes, so I have made a backup of all the info on my computer on to 2 different external harddrives.....does the word "Excessive" come to mind? Yes, I am a type A personality, a capicorn and I have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) The OCD almost ruined my life and sainity until I finally learned how to control my "rechecking" and other things I did repeatedly every day. One way I found to help me was to be very organized. So....now in this case, being organized is overtaking my desk in the form of notebooks, index cards, a label maker for files etc. etc.......Does anyone have any idea that might make this easier for me? PLEASE HELP! I AM DROWNING IN INFORMATION!!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I don't want to forget!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spent the weekend online. There are so many wonderful sites out there that I am afraid I will lose one or forget where it is, so I have my trusty notebook beside me that looks more like scribbling that actual notes. I call it my form of using a CODE so that nobody else can read it! LOL!, but really it's just bad penman ship. Eventually I will have a list of sites to share with you guys....so be patient.This blog is a learning club for me and one of the ways you can contact me since I am "In the Closet for my families safety," I hate even saying that, and in this world equal rights should be given to all religions, all races, and it shouldn't matter what your sexual preference is, FAIRNESS, FREEDOM...isn't this what our men are dying for? They want it for another country, but we have so far to go to accomplish this in THIS COUNTRY! Let me know what you think.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Herbs Anyone?

Some great Witchy Sites

Magical Omaha A great Shot for just about anything you need!
Mountain Rose Herbs Another site, wonderful herbs for all of the rituals and spells you plan on doing in the near future. A Witch can NEVER have to many wonderful herbs!

Some great Witchy Sites

Magical Omaha A great Shot for just about anything you need!
Mountain Rose Herbs Another site, wonderful herbs for all of the rituals and spells you plan on doing in the near future. A Witch can NEVER have to many wonderful herbs!

Seeking the Truth

My Journey...Trinitarian or Not?

My "Year and a Day" training will begin very soon. I have spent months reading, studying anything regarding Wicca and the Old Religions. I have depleted my bank account and diminished my eyesight! Just kidding about my eyesight, but my bank account has taken a hard hit over the past several months. As I stand at this moment, before my formal training begins, I believe that the Trinitarian Wicca belief system seems to be what feels natural to me for MY path. Each of us have a path to follow, and unless you are in a coven, your beliefs will vary from mine on some or all accounts. I hope to find friends within these classes that will become "life-long" friends and "life scholars" since I don't believe our paths remain the same as time passes and our knowledge of the Magicks grow stronger. I do not fall under the heading of "Christian Wiccan" and would not feel comfortable calling myself that, not sure why I feel that way either. Those of you that classify yourself as a "Christian wiccan"...I honor you and your belief completely. In fact, if you study Trinitarian Wicca, it is very, very close to Christian wicca. As time passes for me during the rest of the year, after I begin my formal training, I may end up deciding that my path has once again changed. I will leave it up to my spirit guides and the "Great Lord and Lady" to decide which path I actually initiate into after my Year and a day is finished. I have spoken to a very wise Witch, whom I trust completely. She does advice me to take this training, since most likely I will be studying as a Singular, with not Coven to learn from or perform rituals with, so I do look forward to these classes with great expectation. IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE THAT WANTS TO ATTEND THESE CLASSES, THEY ARE FREE! IF YOU WANT MORE ONE-ON -ONE ATTENTION WITH THE TEACHER/HIGH PRIESTESS, THEN IT IS ONLY $20 A MONTH. I am going to pay that $20 because I have had many conversations with her already, she returns my emails, full of questions very quickly. So I know I will get my moneys worth. Here is the website. You can review the curriculum and ses exactly what will be covered for FREE!   The Greystone Path
Look at the site and enjoy!

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